Free Stuff


From time to time, I release some of my 3D models on BlendSwap. You can download them for free if you have a (free) BlendSwap account. All I ask is that you mention me when you republish the model. Have fun!

A few examples:

Daffodil by FlitsArt
Daffodil | Downloadable 3D model


Toothbrush by FlitsArt
Toothbrush | Downloadable 3D model



Pixabay is a great resource for free stock photography. Unlike most images found on the web, the contents of Pixabay are released into the public domain. This means you don’t need to ask permission (or pay) to use any of it.

A few examples:

Inside of a phone
Inside of a phone | Downloadable stock image


Candle | Downloadable stock image